Cats love to stay on windows not only to bathe themselves under the sun but also to see a glimpse of the outside world. As a cat lover and a caring pet owner, you would want your cat to not only see the outside environment but also to experience it. That is why taking your cat outside occasionally is a must.

But of course, in doing so, you need to make sure that your cat stays by you at all times. Otherwise, it could run off somewhere and you could lose it. This is the reason why you need to use a cat leash when walking outside with your cat.

The only challenge with this is making your cat get used to having a leash attached to it. Fortunately for you, you are in a place where you could learn how to train your cat to walk on a leash. By following the steps below, you can do that with ease.

cat leash training

Getting the Perfect Harness for Your Cat

First thing to do is to find the perfect harness for your cat. Now, this can be challenging because there are a lot of cat leashes available on sale right now in the marketplace. You can easily see in Amazon how there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of cat leashes being sold there. What you have to do is to look for recommendations of the top cat leashes in order to narrow down your list. We best recommend investing in a Cat Training Collar with Stimuli modes.

From there, you can consider your own preferences and budget to pick the best leash for your cat. You can buy one either from the pet store or in an online shop like Amazon.

But before doing that, you must take your cat’s measurement. Measure your cat’s body around the front of its chest, around its middle, and behind its front legs. This is important for you to be able to pick the right harness for your cat. You must not use a leash and a collar alone because it can cause injury to your cat’s back. The harness will automatically redistribute pressure on your cat’s back so that it would even out and won’t cause harm to your cat.

Introducing Your Cat to the Harness

Once you have chosen the ideal harness and leash to your cat, it is now the time for you to introduce your cat to it. Do this by first letting your cat play with it. Let her sniff it before attempting to put it on. If your cat seems off about it, give her treats to reinforce the positive association. You may want to try a stress relief spray if your cat seems uncomfortable on uninterested in the harness.

Once you have put on the harness to your cat, let it roam your house freely. Let it become comfortable with the harness. Check your cat’s behavior. Make sure that it does not try to wiggle out of the harness. Let it get used to it.

Putting on the Leash

Once your cat becomes comfortable with the harness, it is time to attach the leash onto it. Clip it securely onto the harness and practice leash walking. Hold the leash up and don’t put any pressure. Most leashes are over 3 feet long. But at first, you should keep your cat close. If your cat becomes more comfortable with it, start to extend it to about 5 to 6 feet. You should practice this inside your home first or in your backyard.

Taking Your Cat to its First Stroll

When your cat has gotten used to the leash and harness, it is now the time for you to take it into its first stroll outside. It is best to go to a safe and relaxing place where you cat can feel relaxed. A fenced backyard is the best starting point. You can also walk it around your peaceful neighborhood. But before you do so, be sure to check the weather first.

First Time’s Reminders

When taking your cat out for a walk for the first time, let it have a blast but don’t spoil it too much. What you want to do is to make the trip short to leave it wanting more. By doing this, you will be able to entice your cat into going out with you next time and you won’t find it hard to convince it.

Moving Forward

Just like other forms of training, leash training can also be a bit challenging. However, you should keep in mind that what works for one cat may not work for another. Some cat owners find it easy to train their cat on a leash. Others find it hard to do so. Thus, you should consider your cat’s preferences as well. Your ultimate goal here is to make your cat feel and experience the outside world, different from just staying inside your home at all times.

Aamir Iqbal

Aamir is crazy for pets, but not the traditional ones… In fact, he enjoys chilling with cold-blooded reptiles. He loves adding reptiles and amphibians, whom he terms as his family. His local community calls him, Amir the Beast Boy!